Stephan Milano
Board Member
Steve Milano is the retired Adjutant/Quartermaster for the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Department of California.
Milano enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1979 as an 84B Combat Photographer. He was selected to attend Airborne training in 1980 at Fort Benning, GA. Additional duty stations include Fort Clayton, Panama, Soto Cano AB, Honduras, NTC Orlando, Florida, and Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Milano retired as an Army Master Sergeant in 2000 at Fort Bragg, NC.
After retiring from the U.S. Army, Milano held the position of Chief Operations Officer for a large computer training company, where he was responsible for developing and maintaining the budget and fiscal responsibilities of the thriving organization. Before Milano began working with the VFW Department of California as Assistant Adjutant/Quartermaster in 2013, Milano also worked as a Financial Services Professional at New York Life Insurance from 2007 to 2013.
Milano first joined the VFW in 1998, based on Operation Just Cause in Panama, while on active duty and is a proud Legacy Life Member of Post 4647 in Antelope, CA. Milano is past All American Post Commander (2010) and past All American Post Quartermaster (2013).
Since 2012, Milano has served as the Chairman of the VFW’s Voice of Democracy Program – a national scholarship program for high school students. He also serves as the Department Programs Chairman, a position that he has held for the last three years, and as a member of the Department Training and Education Committee, a position that he has held for the past two years.
Milano is on the Board of Directors for the VFW Foundation of California and the VetFund Foundation. He is also a member of the American Legion and the Non-Commissioned Officers Association.
Throughout the years, Milano has been awarded many military awards and decorations, including Meritorious Service Medal (5 awards), Army Commendation Medal (4 awards), Army Achievement Medal (2 awards), Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Army Superior Unit Award, Army Good Conduct Medal (6 awards), National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (2 awards) and Army Parachutist Badge, among others.
Milano currently resides in Elk Grove, CA and has two daughters Suzanne and Mary.